MeasureNotes.02 — One Click: Filter Bot & Spider Traffic

Neslihan Busra Emikoglu
1 min readApr 7, 2020



Your website is just visiting by real people? No, don’t think so. Have you ever recognize the instant spike on your real-time dashboards, some suspicious traffic from an unexpected country? Most of Google Analytics users experience it at least once and worried about what’s happening.

If you did not have any precaution, better to worry because some bots and spiders may invade your website 😅 However, the precaution is just one click away from you with Google Analytics.

By checking the box in Google Analytics view setting, you will protect your data from the known bots ( international spider and bots listed by IAB since 2006).

view setting > bot filtering

Fun Fact: The bot list using by Google Analytics have been costed $14,000.00 per year but Google Analytics users just tick a box and utilize their traffic according to this list for free ✌🏻



Neslihan Busra Emikoglu

Maker @heybooster and Analytics & Data Insight Manager @Boostroas on the way of digital nomading 🎒